Wednesday 5 September 2012

Top 10 Foods to a Flat Stomach

Spring is here & summer is around the corner & now is the time when most people start working hard for their summer bodies. To give you a helping hand getting closer to the abs you’re working hard for here at the top 10 essential foods to burn the stomach fat in time for summer.

  1. Almonds:  These super foods are high in protein, vitamin E, fibre and magnesium. Not only are they so versatile but supress your hunger, promote digestion, satiety and muscle growth all = flatter stomach 
  2. Leafy Greens (Spinach /Kale): High in calcium (which reduced fat storage), high in fibre (aiding digestion), low in calories (good for the waistline) and high in folate, iron, vitamin C and MUCH more.
  3. Eggs: Is a perfect protein source with its balance of essential amino acids. Not only do they keep you full, give you energy they promote muscle growth and repair.
  4. Turkey:  Is a good lean protein source that keeps you full, helps you sleep (because it’s high in tryptophan & adequate sleep is a key factor to reducing abdominal fat), and contains conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) – which reduced body fat mass.
  5. Berries (blueberries/raspberries): These are high in anthocyanin’s which give berries their red/blue colours, and are not only powerful antioxidants to reduce oxidative damage in your body but also promote a reduction in abdominal fat because the visceral fat is more sensitive to anthocyanin’s
  6. Flaxseeds: High in monounsaturated fatty acids which help reduce body fat, they’re high in fibre which promote a healthy digestive system & reduce bloating
  7. Water: I know it’s not a food but it is a HUGE contributor to getting a flat stomach. A lack of water actually increases bloating. Water is needed to flush toxins & feel full = a flatter stomach.
  8. Green Tea: Again I know it’s not a food BUT it is high in catechins that boost metabolism, increase the release of fat from fat cells in the abdominal regions AND speed up fat burning in the liver post meals. 
  9. Avocados: Another food high in good fats but also very high in potassium which reduces fluid retention created by foods particularly high in salt which can cause excess weight & a bloated stomach so increase your avocado intake.
  10. Wholegrains (Oats/quinoa etc.): high in fibre, magnesium and chromium whole grains keep you full, regular, and reduce your stress hormone (cortisol) which likes to store your fat around you’re abdomen

Just in case to don’t believe me they work here is the proof in the pudding with a recent picture of me! I eat all these foods on a regular basis & it does pay off!!

If you struggle to eat right make it simple for yourself with a Meal Plan Template. Or get a Personailsed Plan to get to your goals faster :) Need more information? Simply send me an email
P.S here is an even easier way to increase your nutrient intake right here


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  2. Sorry I didn't mean to remove your comment sim dep it was by mistake i thought i clicked review comment not remove! Thanky ou for your comment:)
