Wednesday 8 August 2012

10 Reasons Why You NEED More Water

I know its cold & during winter for most people the last thing you feel like drinking is water! But here are some reasons why it’s SO important to get an adequate amount…

  1. It aids the absorption of water soluble nutrients (B’s & C vitamins): Water soluble vitamins are dissolved in water and transported through the body, without adequate hydration this does not occur effectively.
  2. It eliminates toxins = WEIGHT LOSS! When we urinate it gives our bodies a change to get rid of unwanted toxins which is especially important during fat metabolism 
  3. Aids joint mobility: water surrounds our joints & in order for them to move effectively there needs to be enough lubrication around them. This will decrease joint pain and inflammatory joint conditions 
  4. Improves cognitive function: Dehydration can lead to not only a reduction in physical performance but mental performance. Your ability to concentrate and think rationally decreases the more dehydrated you are. 
  5. Promotes bowel movements: Water adds fluid to the colon and bulk to stools, making bowel movements softer and easier to pass. When there isn’t enough water = constipation and bloating 
  6. Boost energy: When your body is dehydrated it causes you to feel sluggish and your energy levels drop. Water works much better than caffeine to re-boost your energy levels  
  7. Aids in thermoregulation: The most obvious way that water helps regulate body temperature is through sweating. Without enough intake the body can't maintain the correct degree of temperature which can lead to many health issues and infections.
  8. Hydration: our bodies our about 70% water and when we are dehydrated, the body begins to pull water from its organs and tissues (which is not ideal!) Chronic dehydration can cause migraines, allergies and other more serious health problems. Reduces appetite = WEIGHT LOSS! Have an adequate intake of water will reduce your appetite, stop food cravings. & promote an increase in metabolism 
  9. Improves skin: As it eliminates toxins it leads to less accumulation of toxins which = clearer skin, no dry or wrinkled appearance.  
  10. Decrease bloating & water retention: I know this sounds strange ‘drink more water to reduce water retention but when there is too much sodium intake & not enough water the sodium retains the water

Remember it doesn’t have to be cold water, warm water is perfectly fine, & pop a squeeze of lemon in for some extra flavour.
Boost your water intake and eat right to achieve results! Contact usat  to find out how

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