Tuesday, 4 November 2014

10 Essential Habits Your Waistline Will Thank You For

As the weather heats up the thought of fitting into you bikini can be frightening. Never fear – here are 10 Essential Food Habits you can create to not only help you achieve that bikini body but keep it all summer long.


1.       Eat more AND more often – Yes you did read that right eating more often in correct potion sizes will allow your body to maintain blood glucose levels, muscle as well as burning fat more efficiently.  When you go for too long without food your body goings into a survival or starvation mode and will target your hard earned muscle first before your fat. Eat smart not less

2.       Listen to your body – If you are having cravings don’t just dive into the biscuit barrel – listen to why you are having these cravings (are you tired, stressed, bored). Have a glass of water, change your scenery and be rational about your cravings, you may be lacking a nutrient or it may be a habit you are still trying to break

3.       Piggy out of the middle – when going out for dinner with friends or family try to avoid sitting in the middle seat, this is where all the tempting garlic breads and hot chips live. By getting a seat on the end you will be able to order your pre-determined meal and be out of reach of temptation

4.       Skip the sweeteners – avoid the artificial sweeteners and go au naturel by using honey or rice malt syrup to sweeten food and drinks. By using artificial sweeteners you are tricking your body into thinking you are getting sugaring food, but when you don’t your body is signalled to crave more sweet food thus creating a never ending sugar craving cycle.

5.       Increase the heat – they are numerous studies to show the adding chilli and foods from the capsicum family are known for their thermogenic effects. Try flavouring your meat with chilli and garlic, as well as adding some extra capsicum in to your salad.

6.       Eat at home – by eating at home more often and being in control of your food intake it is MUCH easier to eat your recommended portion size without all the added salt & guilt with eating out.

7.       Skip the guilt trip – if you ‘slip up’ or ‘fall off the wagon’ accept it, understand it, plan what you could do better next time & MOVE ON. Feeling sorry for your self won’t change the fact you ate that chocolate bar and neither will punishing yourself. Be better prepared next time and move onto your next meal – you are only human

8.       Brush your teeth – if you’re a night time ‘eat any snack in sight’ type of person – try brushing your teeth after you finish your dinner and keep your hands busy in front of the TV by playing a game on your phone  or iPad. By brushing your teeth you are telling your brain that food is over for the day & it is time to wind down to go to sleep.

9.       Food shop on a full stomach – this includes planning your week’s meals & writing your shopping list. The more satisfied your stomach is, the clearer your mind, the easier it is to plan out your week. This will prevent over buying items, those sneaky packet of crisps & all those dollar chocolate items on the way to the check out.

10.   Don’t skip the treat – by completely banning yourself from a treat meal once a week you are more likely to not only feel miserable but binge on the first treat you allow yourself to have. Everything in moderation is important to sustain lifestyle changes and results. You will actually burn fat more efficiency by increasing a meal’s caloric intake on a weekly basis. So love it & enjoy it.

For more information on how to find your summer body go to http://naednutrition.com.au/services.html

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